Millenial Doctor

5 Things Millennial Doctors Value More Than Salary

Many among the new wave of millennial doctors are looking for a workplace that reflects their worldview, not just that of their employer. A large paycheck isn’t always the most important criteria for career satisfaction. Of course, young physicians want to earn a good living and be well compensated, but they know that the paycheck isn’t the be-all-end-all of happiness or the only way to achieve “the good life.”

Keep the following priorities in mind as you work with millennial doctors. Don’t just sell the salary; be sure to talk about the lifestyle, the important intangibles, and other benefits, too.

Embrace generational diversity

Millennials are a diverse group. In fact, more than one quarter of the millennial population belong to a minority group. The chances are that holds true for your millennial candidates, too. Understandably, these future employees expect fair, equal treatment in their work environment.

Physicians who self-identified as non-majority were significantly more likely to have left at least one job because of workplace discrimination (Black, 29%; Asian, 24%; other race, 21%; Hispanic/Latino, 20%; White, 9%),” reports the Journal of the National Medical Association. Millennials as a whole often strongly reject any bias and discrimination against race, gender, religion, and sexual identity, valuing a workplace where everyone is respected.

Separation of work and life

Though most people wish they had more time to spend with family and friends, millennials tend to prioritize a work-life balance more than most. While they’re no strangers to putting in 100% on the job, many feel the brunt of being overworked. That’s why some millennials have been known to give up a pay raise or a promotion in exchange for schedule flexibility.

That means it’s important to be clear about job expectations right at the beginning, be open to setting boundaries in terms of working late or contacting physicians outside of work, and respecting your doctors’ hard work by honoring their choice of how to spend their personal time.

Collaborative teamwork

Millennials were raised at the height of technology and connection. These changes, which were once seen as new and uncertain, are the new normal, an integral part of any work culture.

Millennials care what the people around them are saying and debating. They crave to understand the views and opinions of others, whether in casual conversation with colleagues or in reviewing new research in the medical field. It’s in your best interest to nurture and promote this style of working to best engage your millennial physicians and maintain a positive, meaningful work environment.

Making a meaningful contribution

Amidst the rise of social media and the culture of technology has been an increase in social awareness and responsibility. As Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic writes in The Guardian, “In the 1950s, 12% of high-school students perceived themselves as ‘an important person’—by the 1990s, 80% did.”

This is not because millennials are only trying to look out for themselves. Rather, it is because they feel they have something to contribute and that their questions and concerns must be heard. Your millennial doctors entered the field for similar reasons as their older counterparts—to help people. It’s important that they know they’re contributing meaningfully to your organization and to the world of healthcare at large.

Allow them to constantly seek knowledge

With search engines such as Google, you can seek answers to virtually any question, any time. Millennial doctors have grown up with immediate information access, leaving them ever-hungry for information. Your younger physicians are frequently on the hunt for something new, and will feel that their job is yet another way to learn. Joining your practice or hospital is a way for them to dive deep in and learn the ins and outs of medicine, including getting hands-on experiences and research opportunities.

Sometimes it isn’t “all about the money,” and frequently, millennial physicians take this theme to heart. These employees often value fairness, teamwork, and learning, just as much as they do a hefty paycheck. Does your working environment appeal to the modern doctor in these ways? If not, consider how you can move in that direction.

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