Physician Salaries Rhode Island
Physician Salaries for Rhode Island from Dept of Labor Survey.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), wages for physicians and surgeons are among the highest of all occupations, with a median wage equal to or greater than $208,000 per year. Overall employment of physicians and surgeons is projected to grow 3 percent from 2020 to 2030, slower than the average for all occupations.
Physicians and surgeons work in both clinical and nonclinical setting. Clinical settings include physicians' offices and hospitals; nonclinical settings include government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and insurance companies.
BLS wage data comes from the National Compensation Survey, Occupational Employment Statistics Survey, or the Current Population Survey. BLS field economists are extensively trainer and given detailed instructions on data collection techniques. They employ a variety of methods, including personal visits, mail, telephone, and email, to obtain data. The following table shows salaries for the different physician positions in California and includes mean salary, total number of physicians employed in each area, salaries presented in various percentiles and more.
Rhode Island Salary Data & Employment Opportunity
Total Emp. : Estimated total employment rounded to the nearest 10 (excludes self-employed).
Emp Prse. : Percent relative standard error (PRSE) for the employment estimate. PRSE is a measure of sampling error, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding estimate. Sampling error occurs when values for a population are estimated from a sample survey of the population, rather than calculated from data for all members of the population. Estimates with lower PRSEs are typically more precise in the presence of sampling error.
Loc. Quotient : The location quotient represents the ratio of an occupation’s share of employment in a given area to that occupation’s share of employment in the U.S. as a whole. For example, an occupation that makes up 10 percent of employment in a specific metropolitan area compared with 2 percent of U.S. employment would have a location quotient of 5 for the area in question. Only available for the state, metropolitan area, and nonmetropolitan area estimates; otherwise, this column is blank
Jobs 1000 : The number of jobs (employment) in the given occupation per 1,000 jobs in the given area. Only available for the state and MSA estimates; otherwise, this column is blank.
A Mean : Mean Annual Wage
A Pct 10 : Annual wage 10 percentile
A Pct 25 : Annual wage 25 percentile
A Median : Annual median wage (or 50th percentile)
A Pct 75 : Annual wage 75 percentile
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