Best Practices

These 5 Best Practices Will Ensure That Your Job Ads Rank High in Search

PhysEmp highly recommends optimizing your ads by following our best practices – to help you reach the largest possible audience and get more qualified candidates to contact you and fill your needs.

5 best practices for optimal ad performance

  1. Include city and zip code. Leaving out this vital info is the #1 reason ads can tank. Times have changed, and many job sites don’t allow “blind” ads anymore. The remedy is easy… Just include the location of the job and you won’t risk being left behind!
  2. Use unique content. This one is key. Google and other job sites don’t like it when you cut and paste the same content in your ads, over and over. The solution is simple: add new content, even if you are just changing a few words in your ads to ensure they are different.
  3. Keep ads to 200-450 words. This word count is the sweet spot that will ensure you rank well in listings, and search engines will reward you. Note this tip sheet from LinkedIn.
  4. Don’t let ads ‘age.’  The same exact ad sitting out there unchanged month after month isn’t the way to go. Refresh your content periodically. Even if you are basically running the same ads, by adding or changing your content, you’ll find that search engines will reward you. Ads over 60 days old get less exposure.
  5. Use correct contact info in ads. Not doing so will interfere with performance tracking (or stop it). It’s advantageous to keep the PhysEmp system in the loop. For example, someone reading and calling a phone number in the ad will not be tracked, especially on a desktop system.

Note that PhysEmp’s ranking algorithm continues to be refined. Your ad will be presented in our listings based on adherence to each of the above 5 best practices.

At PhysEmp, our job is to help you post the best ads possible, so that you get the best results! When you win, we win.

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