Physician Traffic

‘Match’ Vs. ‘Application’ Lead Emails

If you’re a client, you receive daily emails containing leads—job-seeking physicians who have used PhysEmp. They fall into one of these categories:

  • Physicians who have created a PhysEmp account who are a close match for your search requirements
  • Physicians who have completed an application and who may match your requirements

Here’s a look at both:

Match leads are Verified job-seekers who have been vetted by the PhysEmp Quality Assurance team. These leads are emailed to recruiters who’ve posted jobs featuring a specialty and location that are similar to the job seeker’s preference. Here’s an example of a Match email:

Match email

A sample Match email


Application leads are physicians who have provided general information within their application.

For example:

Apply email

An Apply email





We hope our daily emails are successful for you!

Please reach out to our team if you have any questions about our leads emails.

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