Physician Phone Interview

PhysEmp Job-Search Tip: Try to Keep an Open Mind During Interviews

By Bob TruogBob Truog, PhysEmp CEO
PhysEmp CEO

In our Job-Search Tips series, we invite physician job-search experts of all stripes to share their top tips.

Once you’ve found a job you’re interested in and reach out to the recruiter or company, generally the next step is the introductory phone interview. This is where it’s crucial for physicians and residents to remember one important thing: try to keep an open mind throughout the conversation.

You might start off enthusiastic about the job but then at some point learn about an aspect of the position that causes you to lose interest. If that’s the case, do not express that feeling to the recruiter or physician interviewing you. Just take the information in and try to stay neutral.

Why? It’s better to hear the entire story regarding any job opportunity, as something positive may come up later that trumps any indifference or concerns you might have had before. Your goal is to come away with the final decision to rest in your hands, not theirs. You accomplish this goal by asking questions about the opportunity and listening carefully.

The more you ask, the more you show you are interested in them and their needs. So come prepared with carefully researched questions to ask. Once you are off the phone, you can think things through and decide if you want to pursue that particular opportunity. But it’s important to give yourself the time to consider things carefully, rather than writing off a potentially rewarding position.